Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The "scrap" book

I . . . am a fabric hoarder. There, I said it. I justify it by saying that I "need a full palette in order to exercise my artistic vision;" but, really, I hoard fabric. Because I one day hope to do something with it, I had to come up with a Simple, EASY way to keep it all straight.

1 binder notebook
several pieces of paper
clear protective sheet covers (with holes to fit your binder)
a stapler
a few minutes of your day
and a pile of fabric

Pick up the fabric, one piece at a time. Estimate the yardage (I use the nose-to-fingertips method of estimation), then lop off one corner of the fabric, staple it to the paper, and use the pen to note how much yardage you have. Fill up the paper with corners of fabric, then slide it into the page protector, and into the binder. Gradually work your way through the pile.

Finished a project? Move the corner to a new page -- one for skirts, one for bedlahs, one for veils -- you get the idea. Take this with you to workshops where there will be vending or when you go shopping for material. These few minutes of organization will help you make MUCH better decisions about what to buy.

And, all of your friends will marvel at your organization!

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